12 Week Carbine Performance Training Protocol

     Date: June 4th - Aug 27th (1 session every Tuesday) - 4:00pm-8:00pm

Location: Garth Killpack Shooting Range, Springville Utah

Limited to 8 Participants

Protocol Overview:

This 12-week training program is designed to elevate participants from basic marksmanship to advanced proficiency in carbine handling and shooting. Through a series of structured sessions, participants will delve deep into the mechanics of the carbine, mastering essential skills such as rifle zeroing, various shooting positions (standing, kneeling, prone), dealing with weapon malfunctions, efficient reload techniques, understanding height over bore, breath control for precision shooting, weapon manipulation, shooting while moving, utilizing barriers and cover effectively, and more.

Course Objectives:

1. Develop a comprehensive understanding of Carbine Mechanics and components.

2. Achieve precise rifle zeroing for enhanced accuracy.

3. Master shooting positions for stability and versatility.

4. Learn effective techniques for handling weapon malfunctions and reloads.

5. Understand the concept of height over bore and its impact on shooting accuracy.

6. Practice breath control techniques to improve shooting consistency.

7. Enhance weapon manipulation skills for efficiency in tactical situations.

8. Gain proficiency in shooting while on the move.

9. Utilize barriers and cover strategically for enhanced safety and effectiveness.

10. Learn how to handle moderate to extreme stress & maintain quality marksmanship.

Target Audience:

This course is ideal for individuals ranging from basic to the advanced marksman who seek to significantly improve their carbine shooting skills. Whether you are a civilian looking to enhance your self-defense capabilities or a law enforcement/military professional aiming to sharpen your tactical skills, this course is tailored to meet your needs.

Course Structure:

Each session will focus on specific aspects of carbine fundamentals, allowing participants to gradually build their skills over the 12-week period. The sessions will be interactive, combining theoretical knowledge with practical hands-on training to ensure participants grasp the concepts thoroughly. There will be course prep work, homework after each session, and you will be assigned a specific Tactical Cowboy Mentor as your personal accountability coach.


By the end of the 12-week program, participants can expect to have transformed into highly proficient carbine shooters, capable of handling a wide range of shooting scenarios with confidence and precision. This course aims to propel participants from basic competence to advanced mastery, preparing them for real-world applications and scenarios.

Is this course unavailable & you’d like to be the first to find out about the next? Send us a message to add yourself to the waitlist below.


E - TCTS is one of the best shooting training companies in Utah. I've been to several and apart from the knowledge of the instructors, the 'mentorship' spin they put on instruction gives you a more tailored experience. They don't tell you what you should do, they explain everything as what "works for them" and apply it to what works for you. No shooter is the same and this approach allows you to walk away from the class with the ability to perfect what is best for your platform, your body type, and your ability. Additionally, the class I took covered more than your typical carbine course and focused on highlighting the abilities of the carbine and what you can be capable of doing with it. Something I have never been able to experience because of range limitations and/or instructor knowledge. At one point I was able to hit C zone steel at 400+ yards with a 1x red dot. You won't get that kind of instruction at most places. But, apart from all of this what I enjoyed most was the class size. Devin and his additional 2 instructors were paired with 8 students. This 1:3 ratio was perfect for each scenario we shot. Someone was always able to watch me do reps and provide feedback for me. I wasn't stuck just shooting by myself hoping the instructor would look/pass by me and provide instruction. I'm at the class to get better, to expose my flaws, to receive 'homework'; not shoot next to a bunch of other people and get feedback every once in a while. And for the price, you won't find anything better.

Jason - The Tactical Cowboy class was a memorable one. The amount of time spent by Devin, Phil and Mike with regards to attention to detail is beyond what most classes are offering today. They push you hard, no sugar coating here. The little tricks and tips with regards to how to utilize your rifle especially under stress is amazing. Come to class prepared with an open mind and ready to get your tail kicked, expect to learn a ton and take home an amazing amount of knowledge that is second to none.  Devin is a class act and I would highly recommend anyone interested in becoming a better marksman take his classes, you will not regret it.

Mark - The Tactical Cowboy team is great! I have learned a lot in just a couple of classes with them. If you are looking to get into firearms training I would look them up. It was a great combination of supportive and safe instruction while pushing us to challenge ourselves mentally and physically. Highly recommend to anyone looking to up-level their skills.

Joe - TCTS sessions are fun and challenging!I’m just a regular guy interested in developing safe firearm habits and becoming a better shooter. Devin has never made me feel intimidated or uncomfortable in any way and that’s one of the main reasons I enjoy TCTS courses. So besides being a great guy, Devin has a very engaging mix of patience and high standards, with clear, measurable and attainable goals for his students of all levels. He keeps the tone light, yet focused, providing functional examples during each session, sharing the overall thinking and mentality of a tactical operator, adding analysis and situational awareness to every exercise. TCTS courses are a lot of fun and I have taken many of them with Devin. I always come away inspired to learn more and train harder. I highly recommend his programs!