November 23rd 2024 - 8am to 6pm

Location : Utah Readiness Center, Kanosh UT

Breakdown: This course will be focused on the fundamental skills needed to make long range precision shots consistently. These include precision rifle / optic familiarization (working your way around the rifle efficiently), rifle fundamentals, range estimation, and shooter / spotter team relationship. The intent of this course is to provide the students with a strong base of knowledge & confidence with their precision rifle. With this base of fundamentals, students will be ready to continue training on their own, with a team mate, or with our stellar mentors ensuring they will create the long range precision capabilities they need.

Packing List Minimum: Precision rifle, 120 rounds of match grade ammo, ear protection / eye protection, scope manual (if possible), fluids (water), note taking gear

Packing List Encouraged Items: Extra magazines & ammunition, kestrel or other ballistic calculator, shooting sock, range finder, sunscreen, snacks, fluids.

Cost : $600

Is this course unavailable & you’d like to be the first to find out about the next? Send us a message to add yourself to the waitlist below. *Cancellation Policy - Tactical Cowboy course seats are in very high demand. Due to this high demand our policy is that all course purchases are final. Please keep this in mind when you are signing up for your desired event.


Bourne - The Tactical Cowboy team was amazing. Any questions we had were instantly addressed and addressed well. Everyone was personable and knowledge. I came into the Precision Rifle Team having never shot precision long range. Success was as easy as applying what was discussed in the classroom. I was amazed at how little wind actually affected .223 and 6.5 Creedmoor. Thanks to the Tactical Cowboy team I shot my 6.5 Creedmoor out to 800 yards as a novice.

Ryan - This was an excellent class! Covered all the fundamentals of ranging with your reticle, wind, mirage, good communication between shooter and spotter, etc.. The TCTS team was amazing as always, providing a high-level experience at a top-notch rang with a shooting platform and a variety of 12 targets out to 800 yards. I highly recommend it!

Bobby - What a great time.  I would consider myself a novice long range shooter, even though I have shot since I was a kid, but we always shot with guesstimation.  "Hold about two horns above his shoulder, and about at his butt for wind."  At short distances that seems to work.  But serious shooters need the knowledge and abilities to KNOW how to put rounds on target.

Devin and his crew not only have this knowledge and can demonstrate it, and from what I just experienced, they are great at teaching it to others.

The course was amazing.  I started the day as a novice, and by the end of the day I was getting rounds on target.  I was estimating ranges without a rangefinder.  Turning that into holdovers for my gun and round. Guessing wind. (I need to get out and watch the wind a lot more.) Pulling the trigger mostly correctly.  And doing all this in a spotter/shooter team.

I did have one major surprise after the course.  I did a round count when I got home.  I had only fired 40 rounds during the whole day.  I'm not kidding.  40 rounds!!!  I felt like I had fired 100+. Just goes to show, it's not the number of rounds you fire, but how you are firing each round.  Focused practice with exacting expectations for each and every trigger pull was the key to this course.  And yet it didn't feel like work or drudgery.  Every round down range was a joy.

All day long I was on the scope, pulling the trigger, or spotting for my team mate.  The day was intense, no time for sitting around BSing.  It was a full day of doing.  No fluff, no wasting time, just go, go, go.  I slept good that night, I was worn out.

If you get the chance to hang with The Tactical Cowboy crew, take it and run. You will not be disappointed. 

Karl - "Wanna be able to shoot a gnat's balls off at 1000 yards? That isn't this class. You wanna learn how to work in a team to make realisticly accurate hits at long range, under time constraints, with wind that changes its mind faster than a toddler trying to pick a snack? This is the course for you. Sounds intimidating? The TCTS team makes it simple. Get out and pull the trigger"